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dark, blurry photos of people, bicycles and food.


downy woodpecker taxidermy

10.31.2006 by mstyer

on my kitchen table.

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jon's 26th

by mstyer

sorry it has been so long, more to come...

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10.13.2006 by mstyer

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pirate alleycat

10.04.2006 by mstyer

biggest and rowdiest alleycat ever.

at least in harrisonburg

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the blow and architecture in helsinki

by mstyer

even though i had just seen them in austin, since they were playing in c-ville, i decided i need to go see them again.

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by mstyer

so kurt and my cameras' got passed around a lot that night. I take little responsibility for the photos. I would like to thank QCB and my friends for making it all possible.

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